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Ohio County Schools Replaces Fuel Tank

Jun 01, 2023

May 25, 2023

WHEELING — Ohio County Schools is buying a new fuel tank from which to fuel county vehicles at the school district's transportation garage.

Board of education members this week approved the purchase of a new fuel tank after the existing tank there was discovered to be leaking. Ohio County Schools will pay Belmont Petroleum $184,911 for a new tank and the decommissioning and clean-up of the existing tank.

Temporary tanks are presently in place. The old tank will be decommissioned and the new tank ordered after the current school year ends this week, explained David Crumm, director of operations for Ohio County Schools.

The new tank will be installed before the start of the next school year, he told board members.

Crumm explained that mechanics at the transportation garage first noticed the quality of the fuel from the tanks was affecting the operations of the bus, and it was suggested that the school district have the tank cleaned.

Belmont Petroleum refilled the tanks after the cleaning. Shortly after, an employee noticed spots on the pavement underneath the tank, Crumm said.

Belmont Petroleum returned, pumped out the fuel from the tank, and provided tanks for temporary storage.

It was determined no fuel leaked into the soil.

"It was above ground and on a concrete pad," Crumm said of the tank. "That did help with the process."

The existing tank is 30 years old, which is about the expected lifespan for a fuel tank, according to Crumm. The new tank is a double steel tank, and larger than the prior tank, he said. It will hold 12,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 3,000 gallons of regular gasoline for the school district's vehicles.

He added that he did check into just repairing the leaks in the old tank, but the work couldn't be guaranteed for more than three years.

"At that point, it still wasn't comforting – the information we were getting from them on (the potential for) success," Crumm said. "That's why we went the route we did and put the information together, get bids out there, and get it so we can get it taken care as soon as the school is over."

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